In The Summer Time

Finaly summer has arrived here in Holland. Only last week I was still wearing my wintercoat and now I am only wearing a t-shirt and skirt. It was quite sudden but very nice for a change. It has been a very cold spring and now the tempature starts rising the trees and plants can start growing again. I love summer even though winter has some perks but I am just a sun lover. We have already BBQed 2 times this week! I hope everyone will have great weather to wash away those last winter depressions wherever you are.
wow you're half indonesia. nice to know you.In Indonesia its rainy days right now. The season is much changing, according to lesson i've got from School , April must be a hot season ( sunny ).
But i think global warming has change the season in my country
Nice to know you too and I will try and update a lot if I have stuff to write about.
Global warming you can only see over longer periods. around a 10.000 years. But if it would speed up I might want to buy a lifejacket since I'm 6 meters below sealevel. I do not realy believe in global warming maybe I will write a post about it
I love your website. It has a lot of great pictures and is very informative.
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