Jumping out of your skin

It took a while but my sweet Shelob has finally done it, she crawled out of her own skin and grew a little bit. I saw it coming for weeks since her backside had started to turn black and she had made a nice bed of silk to lay in. Last night she flipped herself over on her back on her bed and she took a while to rest and just lay there. Around 2 am she pushed herself out, sadly I was already sleeping by that time so I don't have any pics of it. I did check on her once when she was halfway but I didn't dare to use my camera as it would flash and scare her, I was even to scared to turn on the lights. Spiders are very skittish and vulnerable when they are taking their old coat off so I just let her be. This morning she was already sitting back up and drying out her new skin.
You can see some of the pics here
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