Day Trip to fairyland
Today we went to the Efteling, a theme park in the south of the Netherlands, because we needed a break from ordinary day life. It's a special place to me because I went there almost every year when I was a kid with my parents and sister. I still remember how I loved the fairy tales there and that i totally believed them. Now ofcourse we go for the fast rides and some of the beautiful slow rides as well. The park is totally different from Disney parks so if you like that and expect that from an amusementpark you shouldn't go there. It's situated in perfect woodland environment with a large fairytalewood for every age and only a few fast rides. This year they are building a new fastride: The Flying Dutchman (de vliegende hollander), based on an old legend. This ride is totally designed and developed by the Efteling and what I have seen so far it looks very cool.
Some Facts:
The tower is 22.5 metres tall and has a lift of 45°! The total surface area of the attraction is 17,000 m2 and the length of the coaster is 420 metres, a distance you race over with a speed of over 70 kilometres per hour. The G-forces during the ride vary enormously: from a maximum of 3G (3x your own body weight) to a minimum of 0.2G (almost weightless).
wow nice pics!
i want to be there too. Its like a real castle. Here in my country dont have building like that
Ach mam, dat valt toch wel mee. Als je mee gaat later in het seizoen ben je wel verplicht mee er in te gaan!
Je dochter
De vliegende Hollander wordt super voor zover ik weet , schijnt heel afwisselend en spectaculair te worden. Beetje te afwisselend alleen, hij zou al op 1 april open zijn gegaan maar toen was er iets met de karretjes, ik meen dat ze te licht waren ofzo... 1 juli was de nieuwe openingsdatum maar naar het schijnt gaat dat ook niet lukken nu. Misschien dat ie nu pas over een jaar (!) opengaat, heb ik gehoord... Jammer hè?
Groetjens, Elkie
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