The Light Will Be Shining...

During my week away my sweetheart hung up the lamps we had just bought. Well I can't call it just bought as we ordered them like 2 or 3 months ago but they had finally arrived just before I would leave for the Ardennes. They are of Italian design by a company called LucePlan and it's called Glass Glass. We always wanted an industrial design but also a little more stylish and we had been looking around for so long. We actually came across them in a clothes shop hanging above the counter. We asked where they came from and he gave us the advice the call the designer department and ask there. Well we did and they were very helpful (Thank you WE) and we were able to order them. As they are hand made we had to wait long but it was worth it just look how stunning they are!
de lampen zijn geweldig, waard om er op te wachten
ik ben het die iedere dag even kijk of er wat nieuws staat
Ik hier? :)
Mooie lampen hoor, en wat zijn jullie er op een grappige en ongebruikelijke manier aangekomen! Leuk dat ze jullie bij WE zo goed geholpen hebben...
Elkie :)
Overigens, nog bedankt voor je verjaardagsmail, I really appreciate it (since alles is in het Engels hier... :)!
Haloooootjes terug.......!
You can speak English of Nederlands, Mij maakt het niet uit.
Groetjes terug!
Et Francais? Boeuf!!! ;-)
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