I Follow the Best

There is a new website and I just had to say something about it. The http://www.idont.com/ website is about everyone copying eachother, that's why the iPod is a big succes and that there is an alternative...which they are trying to sell. Well I don't agree with this website in many way's. First they say you should be a free thinker and not follow the rest and then try to push another device they think best for you to follow. Anyway Mac users were always considerd a oddity among many Windows users and were always laughed upon. I was a Windows user for many years and didn't even know there was anything else but when I met my man I fell into a world of Mac's and I have to say I adore them as much as my man and would never go back unless Windows suddenly gets better (When is Vista coming out...). Now suddenly the Mac side has a succes, the Ipod, and everyone wants one. Now these people behind this website suddenly are against following the group (I wonder on what kind of platform they are). I guess they are just jealous of that one little succes.
I don't mind the teasing, I can even laugh about it but I hate it when people tell lies. They say they have an alternative. An alternative should at least be the same or better or you can't call it an alternative. (That like saying there are very good AIDS blockers that will keep you alive for 50 years but there is an alternative which will only keep you alive for 5 years. You pick!)
Here are some figures of both devices
The SanDisk sansa e270 ($279.99) only has a capacity of 6GB. in comperison to the 30 ($299) and 60 ($399) the iPod has. How much video and photos can you get on it. To compare that 15000 song with album art on an iPod and around a 1500 song and the SanDisk. Maybe you can fit like 8 episodes of Lost on the SanDisk. The SanDisk does have a memory slot for extra GB but you can expand it with nor more than a 1G MicroSD card (35$)
Screensizes: iPod is 2,5 inch the SanDisk 1.8 inch
iPod Audio: MPEG4, MP3, AAC, WAV, AIFF, MP3 VBR, Audible, Apple Lossless
SanDisk Audio: WMA, MP3
iPod Video: .m4v, .mp4 and .mov file formats (for detailed information go to www.apple.com)
SanDisk: Not to be found (not even on their own website)
They both have faults and battery life is around the same for the 60Gb iPod and the e270 though the 30Gb iPod a little less but I couldn't find anything about the batterylife of the SanDisk during video playback but I guess it will be around the same.
So pick what you think best even if it mean following others! (maybe the others did pick the best to follow for a change)
yeah I dont like "alternative" to, we can consider it as a criminal, try to lie to other for money
Hey hedgehogman. I heard about the earthquake in Indonesia and I hope you and you loved ones are alright. Hope to hear from you soon!
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