Friends and Pirates

Thursday we have two fun things to do. First my friend from highschool Elkie will come by to visit us. I haven't seen her for a while because when I moved away it was hard to find time to see eachother. Now we both had time and she will also spend the night. Last time she stayed here there was so much trouble with the railways that we don't want to risk her having to sleep at some station. We are both really looking forward to see eachother again!
As she is staying for the night we wanted to also do something fun. As we saw that Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest is coming out this Thursday so we decided to go see that movie. It's the second part of the Pirates of the Caribbean trilogy and I hope it's as great as the first one. Here is a little summary of the film and I will write a review when I'm back.
Captain Jack Sparrow is caught up in another tangled web of supernatural intrigue. Although the curse of the Black Pearl has been lifted, an even more terrifying threat looms over its captain and scurvy crew: it turns out that Jack owes a blood debt to the legendary Davy Jones, Ruler of the Ocean Depths, who captains the ghostly Flying Dutchman, which no other ship can match in speed and stealth. Unless the ever-crafty Jack figures a cunning way out of this Faustian pact, he will be cursed to an afterlife of eternal servitude and damnation in the service of Jones.
This startling development interrupts the wedding plans of Will Turner and Elizabeth Swann, who once again find themselves thrust into Jack's misadventures, leading to escalating confrontations with sea monsters, very unfriendly islanders, flamboyant soothsayer Tia Dalma and even the mysterious appearance of Will's long-lost father, Bootstrap Bill. Meanwhile, ruthless pirate hunter Lord Cutler Beckett of the East India Trading Company sets his sights on retrieving the fabled "Dead Man's Chest." According to legend, whoever possesses the Dead Man's Chest gains control of Davy Jones, and Beckett intends to use this awesome power to destroy every last Pirate of the Caribbean once and for all. For times are changing on the high seas, with businessmen and bureaucrats becoming the true pirates and freewheeling, fun-loving buccaneers like Jack and his crew threatened with extinction.
Hallootjes.................... Had ik tòch mijn naam moeten copyrighten! Hihi... Grapje hoor! 't was gezellig, nog bedankt! Volgende keer tracteer ik. Ik heb net de liedjes van Mozart van de ipod gehaald en er weer opgezet zoals jullie hadden gezegd dat dat moest en het is gelukt, goed hè? Ik ben er nu naar aan het luisteren, het schijnt dat je er intelligenter van wordt als je naar Mozart luistert.... Ik voel mijn hersentjes al borrelen hier! Ik heb zelfs itunes geupdate dus je weet dat het werkt hè? Nou daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaag en groetjes aan Vincent.......... :)
Volgens mij schrijf je 'tracteer' niet zo hè? Toch meer Mozart luisteren dus......
Nee, het is met een k.........
trak·te·ren (ov.ww., ook abs.)
1 (iem.) lekkernijen aanbieden => een rondje geven, fuiven, onthalen op, vergasten op
2 (iem.) vrijhouden, iets aanbieden
Weer iets geleerd! :)
LOL altijd leuk om weer iets bij te leren toch!
Volgende keer bij jou en dan mag jij trakteren
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