I found a Job

I have found a job. Well actually I am staying exactly where I am at the Triade. I have been looking for a payed internship or a job for a while now and I didn't find anything yet. I had asked if I could stay at the Triade before but I got a no as an answer because there wasn't enough money for an internship so I was left looking for a job. Then suddenly one of the biology teachers left and I applied for the job immediately but sadly one of the team leaders got the job as she didn't want to be team leader anymore and needed a new job at the school. Of course I understand that she got it first as she has been at the school longer but I was sad as I really liked the school and wanted to stay.
But when the boss told I wasn't the one he also told me there may be some room after all. So I waited and waited but every time I asked he said he still didn't know for sure. Well Friday I had enough, I went to him and said I needed to know now as I wanted to know it before summer holiday. He went to look for me and said he could give me 3 hours of biology and 2 hours remedial teaching but that wasn't enough so he said I could also teach another subject as he had some hours there. I could teach French or Math or even Science but I am no good at that and then he said English and as I am quite good at that I chose that. So now I also going to teach 3 hours of English next year as well! I know it's only 8 hours but it's a start and if there are more hours half way through the year I can get them than.
Hope that's going to go alright as it is not my subject and I don't know how to teach it yet. I have asked if I could see the books first and if I could talk to one of the English teachers first.
Wish me luck!
Good luck and gefeliciflapstaart! hihi... Ik heb geloof ik nog wel ergens mijn oude boekjes van lerarenopleiding engels liggen... pronunciation for student teachers and all that.............. Leuk joh! :)
Ha Ha misschien wel handig! Ik heb er al zin in. Heb jij al vakantie?
geweldig he meisje van me, leuk dat je ook een foto van de school erbij hebt gedaan.
En nu lekker genieten van je vacantie
Neen ik heb nog geen vakantie. Morgen nog een college, een toets en dan nog een stageverslag schrijven... Jij wel dus? Lekker hoor....
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