Guard the boat, mind the tide... don't touch my dirt.

Last Thursday my friend Elkie, my man and I went to Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest and I have to say WOW! It was such a great movie. It has become a lot darker since The Curse Of The Black Pearl and yes it did have an open ending but I didn’t mind that. The special effect were great and very well done especially Davy Jones (Captain of the Flying Dutchman played by Bill Nighly). I didn’t know what to expect as I didn’t watch any of the trailers (I wanted it to be a surprise). After I had seen it I saw this dreadful review which I didn’t agree with at all. It went on and on about that it didn’t have any story and that it was only hold together by Jack Sparrow (Johnny Depp). They also said that William Turner (Orlando Bloom) didn’t have any important part in this story and that the movie was strung together by special effects. Well I couldn’t agree less, I was amazed by the great acting an everyones part and I was happy they kept a lot of the humor in that they started in part one. I do agree there were a lot of special effect but I loved it (especially the wheel) and there was a lot of story even around Will and Elizabeth. I do think this will be the summer hit this year and I will say that everyone should see this movie.
Heb je de special gezien over de film op TV gisteren?
Ja we hebben hem gezien. Was wel erg laat 's avonds volgensmij! was wel erg leuk!
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