Divination On Steve Jobs:

I See A Grim:
I hate to do this to the Apple fans but I am going to make an eery prediction, I think Steve Jobs is dying! Not like a “dying breed” or “yeah everyone dies” but I mean within 5 years there will be sad news from the Apple compound! Of course I can’t look in the future but when I saw him giving his Keynote last monday I was shocked at how he looked and acted. He can put on a good show (and probably would have been a good actor the way he gets people enthusiastic over little things) but he never gave his keynote with all three of his department heads. Maybe he was just sick that week and didn’t feel like he could do it all by himself but it did strike me that the other three were well prepared and it didn’t seem like a last minute change of plans. Anyway I was more concerned when I saw his “thin, almost gaunt” appearance and unusually “listless” delivery of the Keynote. It isn’t like the perfectionist Jobs to not give 100% for his Apple.
Earlier Health Problems:
On July 31, 2004, Jobs underwent surgery to remove a cancerous tumor in his pancreas. He had a very rare form of pancreatic cancer, known as islet (Langerhans in Dutch) cell neuroendocrine tumor, which is far less aggressive than the usual form of pancreatic cancer. It did not require chemotherapy or radiation therapy. But still what people didn’t report is if it was functional or non-functional Inslet cell cancer. But as he didn’t need radiation or chemo I will guess non-functional. They also didn’t report that the overall 5-year survival rate in all patients with nonfunctional pancreatic Islet cell cancer approaches 50%. So only half of the treated people live more than 5 years after treatment (based on a certain treatment and how far the cancer had already developed, there are forms where the survival rate is 100%). I’m not a doctor and I don’t know anything about Jobs cancer state, it does shock me and it just makes me hope it is the other type.
Maybe I Am Just Wrong:
It could just be that Jobs is getting old and just like Bill Gates want to step down a little and enjoy some form of retirement. Maybe he was just looking for the best candidate to take over the more stressful parts of being the CEO. Or he could just have the flu like many others around this time of year! There are many explanations that could fit and there is a good chance I am just plain wrong. I especially hope I am wrong because I think Apple will never be the same when Jobs leaves, even if it is in capable hands.
I was thinking the same things too when I later watched the keynote from Jobs. He has used assistants previously and everything seemed quite ok until the rigorous switching around when talking about the new features in Leopard. I was thinking more in terms of flu or so that Jobs might be worried that he might lose his voice mid-show.
Or maybe he just didn't have the proper time to prepare a full-on show. From what I've heard, Jobs takes weeks to perfect his keynotes.
I think the show suffered too from the fact that some of the Leopard features were a bit insignificant and seemed like they were forced to be hilighted because of keeping one or more features still a secret.
Theories are endless.
Hey, I didn't had time yet to view the video footage from the WWDC 2006, but I just started to watch.
It was a shock!
Just compare the photo you used with this story to a frame from his speech!
Obvious thinks I noticed:
- voice change: seems higher pitched
- out of breath: seems like he was a bit out of breath during his presentation
- Most obvious: weight loss
Just compare your photo with the video footage. Now, weightloss doesn't mean that much (maybe he's on a diet), but if you look you see clearly how much weight he lost in his neck, shoulders, face, stomach and most obviously: look at at his arms and wrists!
To me he looks like someone that has undergone major surgery and is still, trying to recuperate.
I don't think he looks like he is on medication (i.e. chemo therapy), because usually people get heavy doses of this drug that kills germs and that makes your head swell (I can't think of the name right now).
Off course: eventually we all die, so yeah, just like us, Jobs is dying. But I do think he looks too skinny.
Hallo! ;)
oh... what mad news!
what do you think about it?
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