God Can't Die...?
In my last article about Steve Jobs his health I said I thought he was going to die and some people took offense by that (God can’t die...?) so I am now going to post a follow up on that story. I don’t believe Steve Jobs is going to die, just maybe only giving the rudder to someone else. I wanted to see how people would react to my article and I must say I got some interesting responses. What was really weird is that they rather e-mail me then posting a comment (chickens). I still believe Apple won’t be the same if Steve jobs left the helm but it isn’t an impossible situation and I wouldn’t be surprised if he let someone else take control of the firm. When? I don’t know, I can’t read minds and I can’t see the future.
About Steve Jobs being sick, well I do think he is. After reading through articles about Islet cell cancer and the cure for it. Which basically means cutting a piece out of the pancreas to remove the cancer that formed in the Islet cells (see picture above). These cells make insulin and by having cancer in them and removing them the production of insulin reduces. Which actually means you become diabetic. I haven’t been able to find anything about it in relation to Steve Jobs personal situation but almost all of the patients treated for this type of cancer are diabetic after the surgery. This would explain his thin look he has now, simply because he lives a stressful and busy life. When you just got diabetic you have to change your life around it and your body has to get used to not having insulin when it calls for it but when you take insulin pills or inject yourself with insulin. The treatment for diabetes is getting better and better but it still is life changing. It’s very hard on the body and you get tired quickly, that could be the reason why he didn’t do the whole keynote by himself or maybe he wanted to give the other guys a chance to talk to the Apple fans. I thought they all did great even though they don’t have Steve Jobs flair (which they shouldn’t try to copy or it seems so fake) but they did a great job non the less.
Ik dacht: Steve Jobs, huh, wiesdàh? Maar nu weet ik het hè.
Nu ik hier toch zit... Heb je een leuke verjaardag gehad? Is mijn kaartje nog aangekomen? Ik wilde er één per post sturen want tja, ik ben zo ouderwets hè...... :)
Hey Elkie,
Ja je kaart is aangekomen! Dankjewel nog! Heb mijn verjaardag met familie alleen gevierd aangezien ik niet zo van kringgesprekken houd spreek ik liever per persoon af.
Researching Inslet Cell Cancer here, which I have recently had removed, and came across your page hoping for information. Just to let you know, removing part of the pancreus does not guarantee you'll be diabetic. I had part of mine removed, and my blood sugar levels have been completely normal. I will probably never be diabetic. Just thought I'd let you know. Also, if you have any other info on it, I would greatly appreciate it. You can email it to me at roadrunner48808@yahoo.com.
Thank you!
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