A long long time ago...

It’s been a long time since I posted anything but I have been quiet busy. I have also been sick and I didn’t have much inspiration to write anything. Today will be a long post about everything that has kept me busy for all this time.
I have started my research I have to do for my graduation, it’s about e-learning. I’m going to do some research if children learn faster or pick things up more quickly with computer programs then the traditional way of books. There is a lot of debate that teachers do not know enough of the world teenagers live in now. I as a young teacher agree that you can get so much more out of teenagers if it is closer to the world they live in. I am lucky that I know enough about computers but I have to help many of my colleagues when they have to do things on the computer.
My classes are going great and many of the children I teach have good marks so I am happy with that. I am quite shocked with how much work it is to give two subjects and it’s still hard for me to switch between both subject. I hope it will get easier! At the moment I have had many classes I needed to substitute because ten of my colleagues are sick so I had a very busy week.
I also had some shocking news from one of my friends who’s father went to the same as mine. So that was some bad news. I hope he’s doing better now.
The rest of my time was spend going to physiotherapy for my hips and I started horseback riding again! It has been a blast even though I had some muscle ache the day after. I hope that will get better soon! (above is a picture of my favorite breed of horses: the Shire)
As you see I have been busy and in a week I have my first break for the year and I can’t wait!
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